Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance
To promote adoption and implementation of energy efficiency codes for new buildings in eight Midwest states.
To promote adoption and implementation of energy efficiency codes for new buildings in eight Midwest states.
To achieve strong utility-sector energy efficiency programs in four key states and assure their effective implementation once adopted.
To educate leaders within the health care sector about the health impacts of climate change and the role that the industry can play in its mitigation; and to facilitate actions that hospitals can take to cost effectively reduce their carbon…
To promote policies in New Hampshire that maintain or increase state funds available for energy efficiency; help cities launch new efficiency financing programs recently approved by the legislature; and develop a model program that creates incentives for landlords to invest…
To promote adoption and implementation of state and federal policies for advancing energy efficiency.
To promote energy efficiency in Ohio by ensuring proper implementation of the new law, developing policies that encourage Combined Heat and Power systems in the industrial sector, and establishing model efficiency financing programs for cities.