Washington Office on Latin America
To promote human rights and democracy in Colombia, Mexico, and Peru.
To promote human rights and democracy in Colombia, Mexico, and Peru.
To enable impoverished people in Buenos Aires to have access to adequate education, public services and housing.
To defend and promote human rights in Argentina using documentation of abuses and litigation, and to strengthen the organization.
To use forensic science techniques to investigate human rights violations in Colombia, and to provide psychosocial services to victims’ family members.
To assist threatened human rights advocates around the world.
To defend and promote human rights and the rule of law in Peru using documentation and litigation.
To document the Bush Administration’s response to the “war on terror” by establishing a reliable historical record in a searchable electronic database.
To publish, disseminate and publicize the eighth annual report on human rights in Chile.
To promote and defend human rights in Peru, through investigation and litigation of cases of human rights violations.
To promote an independent, nonpartisan commission dedicated to examining the aspects of US counterterrorism policies that pose the greatest threat to America’s democratic values.