Vermont Community Loan Fund
To support the Vermont Community Enterprise Fund’s efforts to expand small business loans for agricultural enterprises.
To support the Vermont Community Enterprise Fund’s efforts to expand small business loans for agricultural enterprises.
To strengthen a network of small specialty food producers by addressing training and marketing needs of the network. Network members are low- and moderate income individuals trying to generate additional income for their families.
To assist selected Massachusetts community development corporations to implement strategic economic development action plans.
To support the temporary services agency in Boston and to start another firm in New York City, to provide a path off public assistance, unemployment or low-wage work to employment paying a family-supporting wage for its employees.
To expand the Vermont Development Credit Union’s ability to make low-cost loans to low-income individuals for mortgages and small business development by hiring new staff.
To conserve and protect Vermont’s environment while supporting quality jobs.
To support the Red Hook Economic Development Effort.
To hire a marketing specialist and to contract a business operations consultant for Big City Forest, which produces furniture from reclaimed wood products.
To support the start-up of the Jobs Access Program, which will assist formerly homeless and special needs individuals in gaining the skills and information needed to apply successfully for jobs.
To support the Adult Family Home Care Project.