International Institute for Energy Conservation
To assist developing Asian countries in adopting energy efficiency strategies and technologies.
To assist developing Asian countries in adopting energy efficiency strategies and technologies.
To hold a briefing and strategy session on human rights activities for the Horn of Africa.
To support the Haitian League of Former Political Prisoners.
To promote effective responses by US charitable foundations to the global crisis caused by the loss of biological diversity.
To conduct an extensive media campaign to promote substantial force reductions at the Vienna negotiations on conventional arms control.
To support the US/Soviet Research Project on Military Spending and Economic Priorities.
To develop a comprehensive research and policy strategy of preservation of rainforests and other areas of high biological diversity in Asia.
To collaborate with Soviet Academy of Sciences to verify the presence of nuclear sea-launched cruise missiles aboard a Soviet naval vessel, and to dismantle a Soviet nuclear warhead.
To support a Warsaw conference for US and Polish legal scholars to discuss the role that legalized civil rights can play in democratizing Polish society.
To conduct research on energy efficiency technologies and alternatives to fossil fuels and nuclear power, including photovoltaically generated hydrogen fuel and sustainable burning of biomass material.