Human Rights First
To investigate, describe and provide policy recommendations to remedy the problem of lack of accountability for private military contractors accused of abuse in detention, interrogation and security operations.
To investigate, describe and provide policy recommendations to remedy the problem of lack of accountability for private military contractors accused of abuse in detention, interrogation and security operations.
To hire a senior lawyer for the US Law and Security Program.
To conduct a public education media campaign utilizing television and print advertising and the Internet to highlight the debate around the nomination of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court.
To involve the public and the media in the process for selecting judges at all levels of the federal judiciary, and to support the US Senate in its advise and consent role in the judicial confirmation process.
To restore historic US practices and policies of humane treatment of detainees.
To provide general support.
To research the list of potential Supreme Court candiates that are likely to be named and identify and research an alternative list of potential moderate candidates.