Healthy Babies Bright Futures
To lower levels of neurotoxic chemicals in babies by decreasing the contaminants in the biggest sources of harm, and promoting cities’ successful strategies for protecting babies’ brain development.
To lower levels of neurotoxic chemicals in babies by decreasing the contaminants in the biggest sources of harm, and promoting cities’ successful strategies for protecting babies’ brain development.
To achieve environmental justice and health equity by improving chemical data quality, quantity, and transparency, and scaling product guidance and adoption in the building sector and beyond.
To eliminate toxic chemicals and replace them with safer alternatives, thereby enhancing the health of all people, especially the most vulnerable populations, and the planet.
To highlight the benefits of the Transportation and Climate Initiative to children and adults specific to New York City, as part of a larger study of its benefits region-wide.
To protect public health and the environment through campaigns that persuade decisionmakers in government and industry to adopt policies and practices that end use of the most harmful and least essential chemicals and plastics, while reducing human exposure and ensuring…
To push the global market towards safer products and materials by increasing the visibility of safer alternatives on ChemSec’s online platform Marketplace.
To join scientific evidence with advocacy to inform and empower change makers to create policies that ensure no child is exposed to chemicals that contribute to neurodevelopmental disorders.
To build, scale, and leverage collaborative campaign science to win market and policy changes that drive toxics chemicals out of our economy.
To achieve public and corporate/market policies on toxic chemicals that advance environmental health and economic and environmental justice.
To enable Safer States to reduce exposures to toxic chemicals, achieve broad policy and market reform, and ensure that efforts are synergized with allied movements such as plastics, climate, and environmental justice to achieve broad success that benefits the health…