Healthy Babies Bright Futures
To lower levels of neurotoxic chemicals in babies by decreasing the contaminants in the biggest sources of harm, and promoting cities’ successful strategies for protecting babies’ brain development.
To lower levels of neurotoxic chemicals in babies by decreasing the contaminants in the biggest sources of harm, and promoting cities’ successful strategies for protecting babies’ brain development.
To embed HBBF content and strategies into organizations positioned to exponentially increase the impact of HBBF’s goal to lower babies’ exposures to neurotoxic chemicals.
To lower babies’ exposures to neurotoxic chemicals.
To design and implement projects that reduce babies’ exposure to neurotoxic chemicals during the most critical and vulnerable first 1,000 days of development.
To reduce babies’ exposures to toxic chemicals during the first 1,000 days of development, a highly critical period that can determine future health outcomes.
To reduce babies’ exposures to toxic chemicals during the first 1,000 days of development, a highly critical period that can determine future health outcomes.
To move key markets away from toxic flame retardants to safer alternatives, starting with reducing the use of toxic flame retardants in significant sources of exposure to women and children—furniture, children’s products, and building insulation.
To support the expenses of the new Bright Cities director.
To support the First 1000 Days Campaign.