The Arc
To support Project TENDR, which joins scientific evidence with advocacy to inform and empower change makers to create policies ensuring no child is exposed to chemicals contributing to neurodevelopmental disorders.
To support Project TENDR, which joins scientific evidence with advocacy to inform and empower change makers to create policies ensuring no child is exposed to chemicals contributing to neurodevelopmental disorders.
To conduct bottom-up organizing for new environmental health policy outcomes that protect communities impacted by the fossil fuel and chemical industries and reduce environmental health and justice burdens and inequities.
To leverage product testing results to eliminate toxic chemicals from consumer goods, including food and food packaging, cookware, apparel, children’s products, and building products.
To phase out dangerous chemicals in food contact materials, and to advance state policies to eliminate toxic chemicals in food packaging as a step toward federal reform.
To reduce or eliminate human and environmental exposure to toxic chemicals by fighting to ensure that science-based, health-protective policies for all chemicals are put in place.
To reduce exposure to PFAS, especially among low-income communities of color.
To support the Chemical Footprint Project, which works to transform how corporations set management policies, manage supply chains, select and use chemicals and materials, and publicly report on their progress away from toxic chemicals.
To support core state policy reform and market-based activities and provide additional resources to distribute to state coalitions working on safer chemicals policy.
To reduce exposure to hormone-disrupting chemicals by leveraging the buying power of large purchasers and protecting environmental health policies and programs.
To support Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families’ efforts to educate the public about federal chemicals policy and to significantly improve chemicals management of the largest retailers in the United States.