Coming Clean
To support organizing for safer corporate and public chemicals policies from the bottom up, in a way that builds an integrated movement that persists over time.
To support organizing for safer corporate and public chemicals policies from the bottom up, in a way that builds an integrated movement that persists over time.
To work through a nationwide network of affiliates, members, and partners to prevent toxic exposures by translating science on chemicals that harm brain development, and by contributing to positive change in the marketplace and chemicals policy.
To leverage product testing results to detoxify food and food packaging, children’s car seats and crib mattresses, and indoor building materials.
To protect children’s health by persuading major food manufacturers to identify and eliminate phthalates in food contact materials in favor of safer alternatives.
To reduce or eliminate human and environmental exposure to toxic chemicals by fighting to ensure that science-based, health-protective policies for all chemicals are put in place.
To ensure a smooth transition to the next president and CEO.
To undertake new research to more holistically quantify the full health and economic benefits of policies that reduce fossil fuel pollution and encourage a switch to a sustainable, low-carbon economy, particularly highlighting the positive impact on human health, including neurodevelopment…
To enable the Chemical Footprint Project to transform how corporations set management policies, manage supply chains, select and use chemicals and materials, and publicly report on their progress in moving away from toxic chemicals.
To reduce exposure to hormone-disrupting chemicals by leveraging the buying power of large purchasers and protecting environmental health policies and programs.
To support core state policy reform and market-based activities and provide additional resources to state coalitions working on chemicals policy reforms.