Community Action Works
To close and redevelop New England’s remaining coal-fired power plants, prevent buildout of natural gas infrastructure, and mobilize grassroots support for clean energy.
To close and redevelop New England’s remaining coal-fired power plants, prevent buildout of natural gas infrastructure, and mobilize grassroots support for clean energy.
To help Northeast states reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions in the building sector in order to meet the region’s energy, economic, and environmental goals.
To close and redevelop New England’s remaining coal-fired power plants, prevent buildout of natural gas infrastructure, and mobilize grassroots support for clean energy.
To build alliances among labor and environmental justice constituencies to combat climate change, promote clean energy, and support racial, economic, and environmental justice in Connecticut.
To reduce greenhouse gas emissions from all sectors of the economy.
To support Massachusetts Power Forward, the statewide grassroots campaign to stop expansion of fossil fuel infrastructure and commit to aggressive energy policies that meet environmental justice and climate goals.
To prevent unneeded natural gas development in New England.
To engage environmental justice and union leaders in the TCI region to advocate for equitable transportation policy.
To help ensure the Transportation Climate Initiative is a regional cap-and-invest program that ensures GHG and co-pollutant reductions while investing in an equitable, modern, low-carbon transportation future.
To support the Massachusetts Campaign for a Clean Energy Future, which is working to establish a meaningful price on carbon with equitable investments in clean energy and transportation for Massachusetts and possibly the New England region.