Planned Parenthood Federation of America
To support the litigation program, which seeks to uphold the right of free, individual decisionmaking in matters of reproductive health care in the US and abroad.
To support the litigation program, which seeks to uphold the right of free, individual decisionmaking in matters of reproductive health care in the US and abroad.
To develop and implement an official population policy in Indonesia.
To support the Reproductive Freedom Project.
To conduct a workshop on bioethics and reproductive issues for judges.
To support litigation to thwart the federal government’s attempts to prohibit federally funded family planning clinics from providing abortion counseling and referral services.
To provide support to lawyers and policymakers on reproductive health in developing countries.
To support the AIDS and Reproductive Health Network.
To support litigation to thwart the federal government’s attempts to prohibit federally funded family planning clinics from providing abortion counseling and referral services.
To provide information and assistance to policymakers and support the work of lawyers and public policy groups in Third World countries.