CERES: Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies
To recognize Mindy Lubber’s contributions to protecting the environment with the 2011 Sparkplug Award.
To recognize Mindy Lubber’s contributions to protecting the environment with the 2011 Sparkplug Award.
To enrich the quality of life in New Hampshire by improving the environment and conserving natural resources.
To provide general support.
To promote federal regulations on coal ash disposal and upgraded EPA rules for controlling water pollution from coal plant scrubbers and ash handling systems.
To stop the construction of new coal plants and expedite the retirement of existing coal plants in the Midwest.
To reduce greenhouse gases from the electric power sector by mobilizing utilities to support EPA regulations and to retire outdated coal-fired power plants.
To catalyze and facilitate development of offshore wind power in the Northeast.
To reaffirm Connecticut’s leadership role in the national discussion on climate change by promoting policies and investments in energy efficiency and clean energy.
To advance policies and instigate actions that reduce greenhouse gas emissions in New England to 20 percent below 1990 levels by 2020, the interim goal needed to attain 80 percent reductions by 2050.
To defend Maine’s strong climate and clean energy standards and programs against efforts to weaken them.