Clean Air Task Force
To establish strong regulations under the Clean Air Act that reduce mercury, toxic metals, ozone smog and acid rain emissions from coal plants; and to defend EPA authority to regulate greenhouse gas pollution from coal plants.
To establish strong regulations under the Clean Air Act that reduce mercury, toxic metals, ozone smog and acid rain emissions from coal plants; and to defend EPA authority to regulate greenhouse gas pollution from coal plants.
To promote and enforce federal regulations of coal ash and other coal combustion wastes.
To reduce the amount of Michigan’s energy generated from coal by pushing for closure of existing power plants.
To conduct legal advocacy and community organizing aimed at retiring heavily polluting coal plants in Ohio in favor of less expensive and cleaner energy alternatives.
To enact and implement energy efficiency policies in the New England states; and to strengthen the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, perhaps by linking it to other cap-and-trade systems across North America.
To advance policies that create incentives for using high-efficiency biomass energy technology for heating and combined heat and power applications in the Northeast.
To achieve significant reduction in climate emissions and promote model policies in Northeast states on energy efficiency, solar energy, regional climate initiatives and offshore wind.
To expand investment in energy efficiency as mandated by state law while disseminating a study to communities and decisionmakers on public health costs of Michigan’s old coal plants.
To promote energy efficiency in Maine.
To ensure Vermont invests in all cost-effective energy efficiency; to increase the state’s reliance on renewable power sources and heating fuels; and to develop and export innovative clean energy policies and programs.