Peace and Security Funders Group
To support the affinity group for peace and security funders.
To support the affinity group for peace and security funders.
To promote nuclear nonproliferation, with a specific focus on preventing deployment of a US national missile defense system and the weaponization of space.
To conduct research and analysis on the US nuclear weapons program, related high-tech weapons programs, and their impacts on arms control regimes; and to expose the health and environmental consequences of nuclear weapons research, testing and production.
To prevent the export of technology that could fuel the proliferation of nuclear weapons, chemical and biological weapons, and the missiles that deliver them.
To coordinate and support a national network of organizations dedicated to monitoring the Department of Energy nuclear weapons production complex, preventing further weapons development and encouraging environmental cleanup.
To expand adoption and full implementation of the Mine Ban Treaty.
To monitor and oppose nuclear weapons testing and production at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico.
To promote nuclear nonproliferation through research, analysis, training and collaboration.
To enable the campaign to participate in the upcoming Third Meeting of States Parties of the Mine Ban Treaty, in Nicaragua in September.
To promote a comprehensive ban on the use, production, stockpiling and trade in antipersonnel landmines.