Monterey Institute of International Studies
To provide nonproliferation training and foster nonproliferation community building in the former Soviet Union and East Asia.
To provide nonproliferation training and foster nonproliferation community building in the former Soviet Union and East Asia.
To oppose a ballistic missile defense system, promote de-alerting of nuclear weapons, and promote nuclear nonproliferation, by coordinating and mobilizing US doctors and other health professionals.
To educate young South Asian and Chinese professionals in nonproliferation and security issues.
To educate and mobilize disarmament activists through the Internet.
To mobilize citizen involvement in monitoring the Department of Energy’s nuclear weapons research and development activities at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California.
To complete an administrative reorganization by hiring a permanent executive director; to strengthen the organization’s media outreach by improving the website; and to monitor Department of Energy radioactive wastes and environmental emissions at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
To promote nuclear nonproliferation, focusing on opposing missile defense.
To educate the public and key policymakers on national missile defense and taking nuclear weapons off alert, using monthly action cards, Internet-based activism, partnerships with faith groups, and field organizing in target regions.
To prevent the construction of a high-level nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain, and to stop testing of nuclear weapons components at the Nevada Test Site.
To reverse the Japanese government’s plan to use plutonium for energy production, with an emphasis on ending the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel.