To support denuclearization in Seversk, a closed nuclear weapons production city in Russia.
To support denuclearization in Seversk, a closed nuclear weapons production city in Russia.
To reduce or eliminate environmental, safety, health and economic consequences of nuclear weapons production; and to provide legal representation to nuclear workers who report illegal or unsafe activities at nuclear weapons production sites.
To promote the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons, with an emphasis on delaying implementation of a national missile defense system and supporting a comprehensive nuclear test ban.
To improve the quality of public debate over ballistic missile defense by providing accurate, timely and easily accessible information about the technical issues involved.
To conduct research and analysis on secret nuclear weapons programs of proliferating countries, and to disseminate this information to policymakers and the general public.
To promote a global ban on the production, stockpile, transfer and use of antipersonnel landmines.
To produce an independent, scientific analysis of the unresolved technical issues that may affect the safety of the proposed Yucca Mountain repository for high-level nuclear waste in Nevada.
To convene a conference to strategize responses to water problems presented by the Hanford Nuclear Reservation’s weapons production complex.
To educate and mobilize the US religious community on nuclear weapons issues.
To provide public education and encourage citizen action to reduce nuclear weapons and defeat a national missile defense.