Energy Consumers Alliance of New England
To accelerate renewable energy development, improve state policy for electric vehicle adoption, and promote energy efficiency and storage.
To accelerate renewable energy development, improve state policy for electric vehicle adoption, and promote energy efficiency and storage.
To build the political support needed to launch offshore wind power in New England and the Northeast through multistate organizing, strategic communications, and policymaker education.
To promote solar power’s growth in New England states by developing, implementing, and expanding solar policies while increasing public support for clean, local energy.
To increase renewable energy production in New England by facilitating community solar projects.
To help New England states and local governments build, expand, and implement strong policies to achieve cost-effective energy efficiency as a core strategy for reducing carbon emissions.
To build the support among policymakers that is needed to launch offshore wind power in New England.
To support engagement of key industry and environmental stakeholders to secure a strong outcome for the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Program Review.
To facilitate successful implementation of Northeast state road maps for wind power development to accelerate the pace and lower the cost of offshore wind facilities installations.
To enable the Connecticut Roundtable on Climate and Jobs to work to secure a new climate plan and energy strategy for Connecticut and build support for clean energy policy among labor and faith communities.
To increase and implement energy efficiency investments, defend solar power and renewable energy policies, strengthen the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, and promote electric vehicles in Maine.