Vote Solar
To stimulate solar power growth in New England states by developing, implementing, and expanding key policies while amplifying public support for clean, local energy.
To stimulate solar power growth in New England states by developing, implementing, and expanding key policies while amplifying public support for clean, local energy.
To provide policymakers and advocates with analysis on the value of solar power to the electric system in order to promote policy approaches that will ensure renewable energy growth in New England.
To build the public support needed to build offshore wind power capacity in New England.
To strengthen the network of New England chambers of commerce engaged on clean energy issues and provide technical assistance to chambers throughout the region.
To promote implementation of Vermont’s state energy plan, as well as highlighting measures that businesses and other institutions can take to move the state toward large-scale adoption of renewable energy across all sectors.
To promote clean energy policies and accelerate market adoption of clean energy technologies across New England.
To promote and defend energy efficiency and clean energy policies in Maine.
To facilitate implementation of strong clean energy policies in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island.
To build on recent energy efficiency successes by continuing to implement and defend Ohio’s Energy Efficiency Resource Standard, establishing policies to encourage adoption of combined heat and power, and creating a model on-bill finance program in Oberlin.
To implement strong energy efficiency standards established in Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, and Ohio.