National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association
To improve family planning and reproductive health providers’ ability to serve as public spokespeople and advocates for those vital services.
To improve family planning and reproductive health providers’ ability to serve as public spokespeople and advocates for those vital services.
To ensure that women are not denied access to contraception, particularly by pharmacists and pharmacies refusing to fill prescriptions.
To facilitate Native American women’s legal access to abortion and pregnancy prevention services.
To forge alliances between the reproductive health and advocacy and environmental health and justice communities that addresses the fundamental links between a healthy environment and healthy families and children.
To work with Advocates for Youth to adequately prepare for and counter the messaging and media work of the National Abstinence Education Association.
To improve access to emergency contraception (EC) by educating pharmacists and assisting them in dispensing this method of early birth control.
To expand and protect insurance coverage of contraceptives using legal assistance, litigation, research, policy analysis, coalition building and public education.
To increase the number of family physicians providing early abortion and contraceptive care.
To promote comprehensive sexuality education by educating policymakers, supporting science-based programs, and mobilizing parents and youth.
To expand the availability of abortion and family planning services in states across the country.