To press the EPA to interpret, implement, and enforce the Chemical Safety Act in the most health-protective manner as the revised law allows.
To press the EPA to interpret, implement, and enforce the Chemical Safety Act in the most health-protective manner as the revised law allows.
To advance safer chemistry by implementing a strategic plan with a research and strategy institute at UMass Lowell, provisionally called the Institute for Safe and Sustainable Chemistry.
To achieve policy and market changes that eliminate the worst toxic chemicals from products and communities, advance safer alternatives and ingredient transparency, and create systemic changes to ensure healthier communities in the future.
To build organizing capacity to engage members and low-income residents of Rhode Island on issues related to public transportation access and climate justice.
To stimulate public policy discourse by objectively examining and communicating the evolving Latino experience in Rhode Island.
To build and strengthen a base of low-income and working class people, people of color, and immigrants statewide, and in the four “gateway” cities of Lynn, Holyoke, Worcester, and Springfield in particular, to make progress on racial, economic, and environmental…
To work toward environmental justice and greater quality of life through collective action, unity, education, and youth leadership in Chelsea, Boston, and across Massachusetts.
To work toward climate, transportation, and energy justice.
To enable Green Justice Coalition members—Clean Water Fund, Alternatives for Community and Environment, and Community Labor United—to participate in the Massachusetts Transportation and Climate Initiative table to ensure tangible transportation benefits and safeguards for overburdened and underserved communities in Massachusetts…
To increase grassroots and environmental justice advocates’ engagement in the Transportation and Climate Initiative process in Connecticut to ensure that the concerns of overburdened communities are taken into account.