Green Energy Consumers Alliance
To accelerate the shift in clean transportation through adoption of TCI-P, state policies that increase electrification, and consumer engagement to facilitate purchases of electric vehicles.
To accelerate the shift in clean transportation through adoption of TCI-P, state policies that increase electrification, and consumer engagement to facilitate purchases of electric vehicles.
To establish a regional cap-and-invest program for transportation and develop a regional EV fast charging corridor to accelerate adoption of electric vehicles in the Northeast.
To help Maine farmers realize the significant economic opportunities offered by scaling up to reach wholesale markets.
To build the Agricultural Viability Alliance into a network for farm and food business technical assistance practitioners across our region that can address shared challenges, facilitate more uniform high-quality TA provision, and more effectively share and expand limited resources.
To support Vermont Farm to Plate, which will increase sustainable economic development and create jobs in Vermont’s food and farm sector; and improve access to healthy, local food for all Vermonters.
To achieve a more equitable and sustainable food system for Massachusetts by promoting, monitoring, and facilitating implementation of the Massachusetts Local Food Action Plan.
To enable Safer States to reduce exposures to toxic chemicals, achieve broad policy and market reform, and ensure that efforts are synergized with allied movements such as plastics, climate, and environmental justice to achieve broad success that benefits the health…
To support Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families and Mind the Store in their efforts to drive harmful classes of chemicals out of the marketplace by winning government regulation of specific toxic chemicals and chemical classes, and comprehensive chemical policies by the…
To support the Chemical Footprint Project, which will leverage organizational metrics and disclosure to create a global chemical and materials economy that is healthy for people and the planet.
To build alliances among labor, environmental, and environmental justice constituencies to combat climate change, promote clean energy jobs, and support racial, economic, and environmental justice.