Clean Water Fund
To support Massachusetts Power Forward, the statewide grassroots campaign to reduce global warming pollution to zero while advancing climate justice.
To support Massachusetts Power Forward, the statewide grassroots campaign to reduce global warming pollution to zero while advancing climate justice.
To establish a Climate Action Plan, implement renewable energy and efficiency policies, and secure Maine’s participation in the Transportation Climate Initiative and other transportation policies.
To advance the Granite State’s transition to a clean energy economy.
To reduce greenhouse gas emissions from all sectors of the economy.
To test the feasibility and effectiveness of Zoom recruitment for Early Check newborn screening of Fragile X syndrome; and to investigate and support the integration of early intervention and newborn screening. First payment of a two-year, $979,000 grant.
To develop and implement an accessible, multidimensional approach to educating and counseling parents whose infants are identified with a Fragile X premutation. Fourth payment of a five-year, $1.25 million grant.
To build the infrastructure for a newborn screening program in North Carolina that includes Fragile X syndrome. Fifth year of a six-year, $2.6 million grant.
To enable Principal Investigator Scott Hall, PhD, to measure the longer-term effectiveness of a targeted twelve-week behavioral intervention for children with Fragile X syndrome.
To support the development of a clearly articulated school food vision for Massachusetts and to coordinate, grow, and strengthen a statewide coalition advocating for the vision.
To support New American farmers and food businesses in Maine and the Connecticut River Valley; and to raise the profile of cooperative ownership in the regional food system.