Intervale Center
To provide incubation services for new farmers, support the development of land access partnerships, and take advantage of new land infrastructure opportunities within the Intervale.
To provide incubation services for new farmers, support the development of land access partnerships, and take advantage of new land infrastructure opportunities within the Intervale.
To maintain “certified organic” as a credible GE-free label; create a regulatory framework that recognizes the economic harm to farmers and rural communities from contamination by genetically engineered crops; and protect the right and capacity of farmers to grow non-GE…
To protect human health from toxic chemical exposures where we live, work and play, in 2010 by: ensuring strong implementation of Maine’s precedent-setting safer chemicals policy; participating in a national coalition to comprehensively reform federal chemicals policy based on the…
To support new farmers and economically viable farm operations in the Rutland area.
To reduce exposures to toxic chemicals by winning fundamental reform of chemicals policy in Connecticut, while contributing to the national movement for precaution and safer alternatives.
To reform the chemical industry so that it is no longer a source of harm through: chemical policy reform; promoting safe substitutes, clean production and green chemistry; developing strong communication tools; coordinating market campaigns; and championing environmental justice.
To accelerate demand for chemical policy reform through, by broadly providing information about the presence of toxic chemicals in consumer products.
To implement strong energy efficiency policy initiatives in Iowa; and to successfully challenge a proposed major new coal plant in Michigan.
To promote on-farm composting and soil-building practices that create regenerative food and soil systems on Vermont farms.
To protect Minnesotans from toxic chemicals in consumer products through a health-based campaign that achieves near-term chemical policy successes while building toward comprehensive state and national reforms.